Friday, May 6, 2011

Last Blogg-ing`

Today is this semester's last blogging day. I don't want it become the last.
Because i like to come computer room, and can do my things alone, no one "kacao" me haha! At home, I use the computer half way, my brother come to "kacao" me, because he want to use computer, i always dun give him play, then we fight loh! but i lose lah==because my brother very stong and fat!! then i use the idea always, the idea is------call baba!!!!!haha  So now i hate to use computer at home. Very uncomfortable...

blogging 45 minutes is not enough, always very rush, but it can make me do things become quickly :)
if blogging time can be more longer, i think is very good! Can make my blogger good than now.

School bell want to ring already, i standby now.......     3, ........  2,........    1, liiiiiiinggggggggggggg!!!!

Story book

Book Name : Private Detective
Author : Melissa Lee

New words :
1. abchored - attached
2. enthusiasm - passion, interest
3. unravelling - solving
4. wagon - a strong vehicle with four wheels, truck
5. stretched - spread
6. frenzied - wild, excited and uncontrolled
7. intently - closely
8. chanting - repeating
9. cobwebs - spider's net
10. tinted - coloured
11. squeezed - crammed
12. gleaming - shinning
13. disguises - avoid being recognized
14. hauling - dragging
15. leash - a long piece of leather or a chain, which attach to the dog's collar
16. bestowed - praise
17. creeps - fear, frighten
18. thump - a fairly loud but dull sound
19. mimicked - imitate
20. resentful - aggrieved, angry
21. absorbed - understand, take in
22. clutching - hold tightly
23. defended - protected

Sentences : 
1. Imagine if he said nothing and tomorrow they all woke up and found Dad's office cleaned out!

2. It seemed he was the only one to think there might be something odd going on.

3. Leon glanced out of his bedroom window and immediately noticed the same car there again.

4. By this time Maddie and jake, not wanting to be left out of anything, had run down the driveway to join them.

5. After about an hour she returned to the car, giving them all a friendly wave.

6. Then everything happened much faster than they had expected.

7.The mystery of the spy in Sunrise Avenue was solved at last.

Comment :
In this story, it has a dog call Nippy. I like the dog because it is clever and can help its master to solved the problem. Nippy, the dog who exasperated them all.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Space Exploration

BOOK NAME :  Space Exploration
AUTHOR : Fatimah Abdullah

New words :
1. collapsed - fall
2. argument - disagreement
3. fascinated - interests
4. occasional - odd
5. obviously - clearly
6. spaceship - a spacecraft that carries people through space
7. pleasantly - nice, enjoyable
8. stammered - stuttered, difficulty in speaking
9. rummaged - searched
10. frustration - disappointment
11. grunted - make a low rough noise
12. protest - complain
13. conversation - the things that you talk about, subject
14. rustling - it makes soft sounds as it moves gently
15. impression - believe
16. exclaimed - speak suddenly
17. suspicion - not possibly be guilty of something
18. archive - store, a place where historical documents and records are stored
19. inconclusive - indecisive
20. fathom - work out
21. restricted - private
22. botanist - a student or scientist who studies plants
23. assumed - presume
24. genuinely - really, sincerely
25. awkward - uncomfortable
26. faction - argument and strong disagreement within a group
27. bossier - enjoys telling other people what to do

Sentences :
1. The family were gathered in the loungeroom watching the United Nations President on the holo-viewer, just like millions of other people all over the solar system.

2. Finally, he collapsed to the ground, closing his eyes, the pine needles forming a soft bed to lie on.

3. The trees were closer together and the only other plant life was an occasional fern.

4. The two of them stood in silence for a while, looking each other over.

5. Off exploring, no doubt, in places where you're not supposed to go.

6. He sat at the table and silently ate his dinner, while his mind ran through all the amazing possibilities.

7. It was a fairly small room with a large desk--also grey, also metal.

8. Tria could imagine the look of terror on his face as he saw the approaching fireball.

9. He nodded, smiling despite the pain, his face plastered in mud and blood.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

story book

Book Name : Hollow Tree House
Author : Enid Blyton

New words :
1. dimly - lacking in light; not bright or harsh

2. spiteful - having a desire to vex, annoy, or injure

3. tiresome - Causing one to feel bored or annoyed

4. idling - Spend time doing nothing; be idle

5. slaving - Work excessively hard

6. feasted - Eat and drink sumptuously

7. sobbed - Cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps

8. squeeze - An act of pressing something with one's fingers

9. prayers - A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship

10. scornfully - without respect; in a disdainful manner

11. precious - not to be wasted or treated carelessly

12. beamed - Express (an emotion) with a radiant smile

13. grudged - Be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow (something)

14. cottage - A small simple house, typically one near a lake or beach

15. glanced - Take a brief or hurried look

16. moaning - Make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure

17. ingratitude - A discreditable lack of gratitude

18. horrid - Very unpleasant or disagreeable

19. bump - Knock or run into someone or something, typically with a jolt

20. demanded - Require; need

21. miserable - unhappy or uncomfortable

22. shiftless - Lazy, unmotivated; untrustworthy

23. guiding - Show or indicate the way to

24. cuddled - Hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection

25. amazement - A feeling of great surprise or wonder

    26. mattered - Be of importance; have significance

    27. blindfold - Deprive (someone) of sight by tying a piece of cloth around the head so as to cover the eyes

    28. howled - Weep and cry out loudly

    Sentences :
    1. Peter opened his mouth to speak, but his aunt swept on, banging the iron down at the end of each sentences.

    2. She remembered how Joan's father picked her up and put her on his shoulder when he came home from work.

    3. The sound of someone singing in a little high voice came through the wood.

    4. They lay down on their backs, and let the warm sun play on their feces and bare legs.

    5. "Oh yes. It would be a simply wonderful secret!" said Susan, who loved secret.

    6. The next morning was horrid, and it shouldn't have been, because it was Sunday.

    Comment :
    I read this book very relax, because when I'm young, I had saw the movie of Hollow Tree House so it make me have a good memorizes.

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Unified Test 2 Scope

    Foon Yew High School JB
    Senior Middle One
    1st Half Year Unified Test 2
    13th April 2011

    A.Comprehension (20%)
    (5 Subjective Questions)

    B.Vocabulary (20%)
    (Top 1 Standard: Unit 3 --pg32&33)

    C.Literature Component (20%)
    (Poem: 'He Had Such Quiet Eyes' -- 5 True/False Statements
    5 Subjective Questions)

    D.Verb Forms (10%)
    1. The Simple: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
    2. The Continuous: Past, Present, Future (Active & Passive)
    3. The Prefect: Past, Present
    4. The Perfect Continuous: Past, Present
    5. The Conditionals
    6. Gerund
    7. The Infinitives: Bare, To-infinitive

    E.Formation of Words (10%)
    Practice Session 5 & 7

    F.Rewriting Sentences (10%)
    Exercise B

    G.Grammar (10%)
    1. Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Top 1: pg16-17)
    2. Prepositions (Top 1: pg61-62)
    3. Subject and Verb Agreement

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Biggggggggg BearBear

    I went to the Jusco with my friends n teacher.

    I saw a biggggg bear!! I very like the soft toys because can hug. :)

    It is very big that i saw before. It shorter than me half head only = =
    its height almost same with me

    I think the picture's bear is smaller than the Jusco one.I saw its price, is RM499! I want to buy~but no enough money~ / . \

    I very like the bigggggg bear bear!! i will scream if i had it!! haha~

    .....  will u buy for me?  :)


          Now, I am Senior One. I still remember some teacher, especially Ms.Chong Pei Wen. She is my Junior One mathematic teacher. She is a good teacher, I like she very much. She is beautiful and has a slim body although she had 3 kids. She always wore the short skirt but not miniskirt.
         She taught us with efficient that we will understand quickly. But she had sick, her bone at the back was hurt so can't stand long time. We all very pity her and care her with listen her lessons. We also wish her have a good health forever. One day, she tell us the news that I felt sad. She said she won't be teacher already because her sick was terrible so she wanted retiree to take care her body. She is a good teacher, after she taught us, we all had a good results in mathematic. I want she teach me in another year but I prefer she have a good health.

    In Junior Two, we also met a good mathematic teacher, but I didn't forget Ms.Chong Pei Wen. She always said some theory at the class before that i never forget because those theory were let our mind grew up. She also would say some jokes to us, let us spirited in class. She look like our friend who can communicating with students very well. She is my type of teacher because I felt she is friendly.

    I've to thank her because I pay extra attention at the class, so I learn mathematic well in that year. I will never forget her because she is very responsible. I am glad that I met her and I was her student.